I'm back again. Today I'll be talking hair. Again. I know I've been talking a lot about hair lately. Make una no vex. Better hair than nothing, abi? Plus, I really love hair, and talking about hair. So I want to confess. A few months ago I grew really tired of my hair. It has not been easy. From suffering setbacks to postpartum shedding to a lack of good stylists and hair products, to not having enough time.... I almost threw my hands up. I even considered relaxing. Then I remembered the reason i went natural. Straight hair no longer appealed to me. I considered texlaxing. At least I'd have some texture. Then i saw what freshly washed texlaxed hair looked like. Nah ah. Plus, I'd still do almost everything I do as a Natural? Finger-detangling too? Just add a texlax that I'd have to do myself(cos i can't trust anyone here to do it), every few months. Mbanu. I contemplated getting a hair cut. I went to google and really liked what saw. Then I vi...
Life Through My Eyes