Friday 24 July 2015

To Come Out or Not?

I want come out. Should I come out? Maybe I should just wait till someone outs me? But I want share. Tell people what it's like living like this. The beauty of it.

I have stayed in this closet long enough. There is really no reason why I should remain here. I have the support of loved ones. I want to share my experience with the world.

Should I stay or should I come out? To come out or not to come out? Suggestions? Encouragement? Anybody?

Tuesday 14 July 2015

No Title

Na wa! I'd almost finished typing this long post on friendship when it got wiped clean. Hmmm, I nor fit cry. Anyways, I was missing you guys and I just wanted to say "how are y'all doing?!" Hehe, I've been good. God has been great. This week has been a crazy one but #Godwin. Haha, I never thought I'd use that hash tag. It just seems apt. So, my Dad and brother fell ill the same period. My Dad went to the hospital first, then my brother had to be rushed too. The thing ehn? I just thank God that they are both doing better. No need for details. You guys should help me thank God because as the God that He is, He did not allow the enemy win.

My dears, I don't have a lot to say. Just this. When you are in a tight corner, just hold on to God. Hold Him to His Word. Present your strong reasons, hold on tightly to your shield of faith and leave the rest for Him.

God bless y'all and keep you till next time. Shalom.