Thursday 28 June 2012

                                            HEY YOU, I LOVE YOUR SOUL

Heaven is real, so is hell. If you do not believe this now, I hope it’s not too late when you do believe it .1 Thessalonians 1:10 –‘….......And to wait for His Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.’  There is a wrath to come and it’s only faith in Jesus that delivers us from it. I have to tell you, if you have not accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, do so NOW. If you already knew Him and have strayed or are living a double life, correct your ways. This is serious business. It’s time we stopped treating it as trivial. I’m speaking to myself too. We need to wake up! Who the cap fits, let him wear it! Pls visit

Wednesday 27 June 2012

I've given up on finding my wallet or its contents. So I've embarked on the journey to replace the replaceables. It's not been easy.Yesterday, Iwas at the court to swear an affidavit.That went very well,thank God. However, getting a Police report from the Police station has not been easy. The Police are not being as nice as the Judiciary folks. Plus, NEPA is not helping. Was at the Akure 'A' Division today and they said there was no light, so I should go to another Police station where there may or may not be light. See why I was frantic about my missing wallet. I knew the stress replacing it's contents would cause me. Well. the Lord is still my strength. So long as there's life, and Christ, there's hope. All is well.

Monday 25 June 2012


I lost my wallet on Friday. It had my I.D Cards, ATM Card, Money and a mix of other things. I had gone to the market after I closed from work. I needed to do some shopping. I’d looked forward to it all week. I had reached into my bag for my wallet after striking a bargain, only to discover, to my dismay that my wallet was not in my bag! I couldn’t be believe it. I was frantic. I stared wildly about. ‘My wallet, my wallet’, was all I could say. The Seller reached out for money and I said, ‘I can’t find my wallet.’ He says, ‘eh?’ and I repeat, ‘my wallet, my wallet’ as I started to go back the way I came by. I did not think it was stolen because I had held my bag real close. I went back where I’d tried to buy a pair of slippers and asked if they had seen a black wallet. ‘Wallet? No o’, was the answer. ‘The road!’ I thought. Maybe I dropped it as I crossed the road .I thought I’d put in my bag when I GOT OUT OF THE TAXI. ‘Maybe I dropped it then’, I thought as I approached the road. Then I saw what looked like a black purse in the middle of the road. I hastened my footsteps, walking between cars, apologizing as I went. It was not my wallet! What? I thought the nightmare was over? But alas, it wasn’t.
Disappointed and distraught, I continued to the place I got out of the taxi. Maybe it dropped on the ground as I got out of the taxi. On my way, I see a Gala boy and ask him if he saw a black wallet. He gave me a funny look and shook his head. He asks how I lost it and after I narrate the events that led up to my Missing wallet, he concludes that I must have dropped it in the taxi. He then directs me to the NURTW (National Union of Road Transport Workers) Office to lay a complaint about the missing wallet. H e however expressed fears that a passenger might pick it before it came to the driver’s attention. The Union Office was a walk able distance, considering the fact that all my money was in the wallet. At the Union Office, I was asked to come back the next day after expressing the same fears as the Gala boy. As I walk back, I still check the ground for my wallet. I do not see it but I do see Gala boy again. He asks how it went. I tell him and lament about how I did not have any money. He had become my friend in that short period. I got stares from passersby who must have wondered what we were talking about. I did not care. My wallet was lost. That was all I cared about. I did not ask Gala boy for money but he gave me money to go home. As you would have guessed, I was really grateful.
The moral of the story is, Imagine how frantic I was about my lost wallet, how I searched for it, how I MADE FRIENDS with Gala boy. I am a Christian. I’m saved. I was lost but now I’m found. Reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ. Having been reconciled , I have been given the Ministry of reconciliation, as any other person who is saved. It is my duty to reach out to the lost, to reach out to the unsaved and tell them about Christ. That’s how the Lost get found!
However, rarely do I do this. I am mostly content in my salvation, I fail to reach out. Throughout my story, you see me frantically look for my wallet. What is a lost wallet worth, compared with a lost Soul? I search desperately for a lost wallet, yet act so lackadaisically about the great commission. As much I’d love to believe otherwise, Souls are lost forever daily! Would I continue to be distracted by the things that do not matter at the expense of matters of life and death?
O Lord, please make me as passionate about lost souls as You are. Let Your Message of Reconciliation burn like fire in my bones so I do not have a choice but to speak it. Amen.
NB: My wallet has not been found.

Friday 15 June 2012

I am sick of it. The fact that the world is sick. I know better than to question God. I know the wickedness of human nature. The heart of man is desperately wicked, as The King James Bible puts it. Why would you rape a five-year old? Why would you rape anybody? Man is selfish,only thinks of himself. I understand this ; every evil that man does is to satisfy an evil, sometimes animalistic need. But, must our children suffer for man's wickedness?  We pray.We really do. We pray that God'll protect our children. But there's only so much God can do in a world as evil as ours. Besides, He has given us His Best. Why do we not accept God's Best? Why do we not accept JESUS. Do we not see that it's the only way? HE IS THE ONLY WAY.
The government. What do they do? I do not see. Recently, in Kano a man was sentenced to one year in jail for raping a child. Just one year? Seriously? That's all they can do? The government does not even help us.
So, I go back to my prayer. God help us!

Thursday 14 June 2012

I love Contemporary Christian Artists. However, there's an issue concerning them that I'm not quite clear on. Now I believe they do have a say on what movies their songs are used as soundtrack. The question is : why do I hear the songs of some of my favourite artists in movies that are not related in any with these songs? Examples :

Ice Castles - song like 'That's how the lost gets found' ,amongst others by Brit Nicole.
The Other End of the Line - 'This is the air I breathe' by Michael W. Smith
Vampires Diaries - 'Cut' by Plumb

Really, it kind of breaks my heart. Some of these songs are so so deep that one had to really listen to them to understand them. But you hear them in these movies and  they totally lose meaning. Really,why do these artists allow this? Can they not see that it does not help? At least,pick the movies.Make sure they agree with what you and your songs profess. It isn't all about money or fame.Assuming that's the temptation,of course. Let these acts of sacrilege come to an end, please. As a fan of these artists and a lover of their music,it's kind of disappointing. Please, would someone tell them to stop?

Friday 1 June 2012

Happy new month to you all.I pray this month'll be your best so far.God'll lift you to greater heights and grant all your heart's desires.God bless you all.Shalom!