Friday 30 November 2012

My Sister and I

I’m the first of my mother's children and she had six. Only four of us are alive now though. I lost two of my sisters. One of them would have been Twenty years old on Wednesday. So now I have one sister. She’s twelve years old. She came to the family at the very right time and brought with her all the joy, beauty and laughter. She was the baby of the house. Considering I was already in my teens when she was born, I was like her second mother. She was my ‘hand bag’ at a time. I did not have a choice. I could not go anywhere without her, when I was home on holidays. My mom could go about her business freely; I was there to baby sit.

She was an adorable baby. All my siblings were beautiful babies. I keep saying that they’ve set the standard for my babies. They just have to be cute o J. My sister was one of those babies everyone ‘ooed and aaahed over. Everyone wanted to hold her. Whenever I went out with her, I had strangers talking to me because of her. 

She was a singing baby. She still sings too. But she started singing before she could talk. One of her favourites, I remember was ‘ paw-paw is a kind of fruit, sweet like sugar, yellow like fanta, everybody likes paw-paw’. We sang that to her so often that she started to sing along, even before she could talk. And then when she got a little older, she would sing along to any song that played. Whether she knew it or not. She would mumble the words if she had to. When you asked her if she knew the song, she would laugh.

She was a vain little girl. Yes o. She would spend hours in front of the mirror combing her hair or just touching it over and over. She would sing to her reflection in the mirror as she applied powder on her face and Vaseline on her lips. One time when she was about three,  I went into my room to see her standing beside my opened anti-perspirant, with a naughty smile on her face. I asked what she was doing with it and she touched her lips, still smiling. She had thought it was lip gloss, having seen me use mine, she wanted to emulate. Only, this was no lip gloss but Sure roll-on. I had to point out to her what it was used for.

Ahhh, she was also a dancer. Invite her to your kid's birthday party and be ready to give her the prizes. She could do it all. These days however, she gets shy. She has a younger brother now. They are like cat and rat. They could be the best of buddies at times too. Although she has grown shy, she talks like a parrot when she’s with him. My little brother? Story for another day.

I remember those days when they would come to me and say ‘I want to poo’. When I would almost scream is exasperation, ‘two of you should do and grow up o’, or something like that. To think that those days will be back soon. At least, I’ve had plenty of practice. Ha! How time flies. While I am glad they are no longer babies, I look back on the days when they were, with a certain amount of nostalgia.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Bless Me Father!

"And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.

And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested." 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

The above Bible passage is popularly known as the Prayer of Jabez. How many of us have ever prayed it? I know I have. It's a beautiful prayer. The most beautiful thing about the prayer being the underlined part above.
Let's take another look at the prayer. 
The prayer can be broken into four parts:

- '......Oh that thou would bless me indeed......'
Jabez must have taken a look at his life and seen that he needed God's blessing to lift him out of his unpleasant life.

- '.....enlarge my coast.....'
He was asking God to increase him on every side. He was asking for a break-out and a breakthrough. He was asking God to increase his scope of influence.

- '.....that thy hand might be with me....'
This part I believe speaks of God's presence, guidance and leading.

- '.......that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!....'
Now here's the part I'm most interested in, in this post. Note the exclamation mark. He was practically crying out to God to keep him from evil. 

Evil brings nothing but pain. Any kind of evil, the one we brought on ourselves, maybe by our sin or wrong choices. The one self-proclaimed enemies of your life bring your way. In a world filled with evil, it's not a strange prayer to pray. Praying this part of the prayer might also be a way of asking God to keep us from sin. Because sin does nothing but bring hurt and pain.

The prayer of Jabez, like the Lord's Prayer is a great prayer guide. I encourage us to adopt it, and see it work for us. I know God will grant us our requests like He did Jabez, in Jesus Name. Amen. 

Enjoy the Prayer of Jabez song. 


Wednesday 28 November 2012

See Who Followed Me!

I received a twitter update yesterday. It turned out that someone had just followed me. Well, I do not get a lot of followers, so I was pleased someone had dimmed me fit to be followed. So, I take a look. When I saw the name, I said to myself " this name sounds like someone popular ". I sha was not sure. So, I go to the profile, and guess who? Mark Waldrop! I know, right?

Mark Waldrop
Okay, I know some of you are wondering, "who on earth is Mark Waldrop?" Well, he is currently the guitarist for the band, The Digital Age. He used to be with David Crowther Band though. But after, David Crowther left the band to pursue a solo career, the rest of the band formed The Digital Age. I only just found  out o. So you see, this is something major for me. I loved David Crowther Band, I hope I love Digital Age more. Meanwhile, let me relish being followed by someone popular. Did I mention that he was verified? :)

The Digital Age is currently working on it's first Album( is my grammar correct?), which would be released in 2013.

I'd share with you guys a song I love a lot from David Crowther Band. Enjoy.

Picture credit - Google

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Love You!

Loving yourself is very important. Looking past your short-comings, the hurtful words from people, and loving yourself inspite of them is important. You know,people can say such hurtful things,ignorantly or deliberately. Even your own parents can help wound your self esteem. Calling a child names will not make the child better, parents need to understand that.

Even as individuals,let's be careful the kind of words we use on people. That said, I want to encourage everyone to love himself/herself. It does not matter the names they call you. Those names will only stick if you believe them. Do not accept them. Believe that you are better than the names they call you. Love yourself inspite of. You know why? God made you, He loves you, He let His Son die for you. If you were the only one on earth, Jesus'd still die for you. That's all that matters.

How you feel about yourself will always affect your decisions. The people you date, the jobs you take, the people you allow around you....And the truth is, if you do not love yourself,you cannot truly love another. Reason being that you can only love your neighbour as much as you love yourself.

Decide to love yourself today. Nobody will love you for you. Love yourself first or you would not even feel worthy of another person's love and so not open yourself to it. Love yourself and let it show in the way that you dress, talk, laugh ......

God bless you

Monday 26 November 2012


Morning everyone. I hope you had a great weekend. This week, I'm going to be treating you guys to facts about one of my favourite contemporary Christian rock artists/bands. Today it's going to be Tenth Avenue North. They are an American contemporary Christian  band, and they are awesome. Visit their website for more info., and their songs and videos My computer was refusing to upload videos.Catch you later.
   I've managed to upload this video. Enjoy.

Friday 23 November 2012

"They'll Call Us Revolutionaries"

Hi guys. So it's friday and I decided to share one of my favourite songs with you. It's Revolutionaries by Bethany Dillon. I'll let the lyrics speak for the song. Enjoy.

Many have traveled this road before
I see their tracks in the dirt
But maybe I don't agree
With where they are leading
And who am I, just a youth
But why has that become the excuse
A monotone voice
In my head saying

Dreaming all the time
It's so foolish
Your flood of empty words
Will drown you in ruin
So we listen
Should we listen.

They shake their heads
As they drive away in the bandwagon
Didn't feel like hitching a ride
Oh, but I'll be fine
Some nights it's hard to be alone
I want some kind of kinship
But the finish line
It drives me on
When they say.

Dreaming all the time
It's so foolish
Your flood of empty words
Will drown you in ruin
So we listen
Should we listen

Come with me
They'll call us revolutionaries
Come with me 
They'll call us revolutionaries

Dreaming all the time
It's not foolish
Your flood of life giving words
They will refresh, they will refresh

Dreaming all the time
It's not foolish
Your flood of life giving words
They will refresh 
Should we listen

Thursday 22 November 2012

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire!

It would seem that everybody around me tells lies. So naturally, they expect me to tow the same line. Over the years, I have practiced speaking the truth all the time, no matter the circumstance. At first, it wasn't easy but presently, it has become nearly impossible for me to speak an untruth. I take the honest policy very seriously. I know how this sounds and no, I am not perfect. But, it's just like I have a covenant with myself and God not to tell lies. Because no matter what tight corner I find myself, I never tell a lie to get out. I'm not even good at the so-called diplomacy. However, once upon a time, I used to be. But I've come to a point in my life where I can't fool around on April Fools day, because I see it as lying. I can't tell a white lie.

Sadly, I seem to be the only person who has a problem with lying. Everybody around tells lies and expects me to do same. Sometimes, they actually cook up the lie for you. Even the Born-again Christians are not left out. It's surprising how people just feel that they have to lie. Why? A wise man said,"for every good reason you have to tell a lie, there's a better reason to tell the truth". Right from my childhood I learnt that it was better to tell the truth. As a young adult, the beauty of honesty was impressed upon my mind. As the woman that I am today, I know for certain, the importance of honesty.

Recently, I was reading the book of Genesis;chapters 20 and 26 specifically. The chapters have the story of Abraham and Isaac in Gerar, the land of the Philistines. At different times, both father and son had to lie that their wives were their sisters. Why? They feared death. Abraham said,"...surely the fear of the Lord is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake". They were both in a situation where they felt they needed to lie to save their lives. As I read the chapters, I prayed that I would never be in that kind of situation. That day, I repented of every dishonesty, every time I had not kept my word to somebody. I told God I was not going to lie, no matter the situation. Funnily, a few days later, I am in a situation where it seems I have to lie to save my head. At least, that's what I was told. But I know that is not true. I've chosen to tell the truth because I know my God will not fail me.
I encourage anyone reading this post to strive for honesty because I can not emphasize enough, the importance of honesty.
God bless y'all.

Monday 19 November 2012

Tribute to the Ex

Errr....., not really.

Hello Everyone. How was your weekend? I hope it was great? I slept for most of mine. Cold. The cough syrup helped J. While thinking of the title to give this post, ‘Tribute to the Ex’ came to mind. So, I had to confirm that tribute is not only used with regards to a dead person. I don’t like wahala in my life o.

Well, this post is about the things that I’m grateful to my EX for. Let me first tell you that our break-up was not amicable at all. Considering the betrayal and all I went through in the hands of this EX, I should be cursing the day I met him, and maybe I have in the past. However, all that is behind me now. How else will you learn that there are wolves in sheep clothing if you do not encounter them? I know, I know, it’s better to learn from someone else’s mistake than yours. Well, some of us are not that lucky. I have made peace with my errors.

So, I found out I actually owe him gratitude for some things. First, would be my love for rock. I love rock! I don’t know what I would do without my favorite rock songs, from my favorite rock artists. I sleep, wake breathe and eat contemporary Christian rock! Although my EX would have to share some of this gratitude with my Bestie, he fueled my love for rock by introducing me to the artists and providing me with the tapes and cds to satiate my incessant craving for it.

Next would be my love for my wonderful premier league club, Chelsea. He was a die-hard Chelsea fan. He never missed any match, not if he could help it. He would race off, literally to watch a Chelsea match. I saw him dash through the streets of my campus to meet up with a match’s start up time. He even has a dog that he named Chelsea. So, his love and passion for Chelsea rubbed off on me like it did with rock.

Lastly, another thing I owe him gratitude for is my aversion to being overweight. He did not like it when someone was fat. In fact, he detested it. It offended me sometimes, the way he would make snidely remarks concerning someone who was overweight. And, he did not let me rest too, because you see, I was slightly overweight at the time. He never failed to mention how I was adding weight, bla bla bla. So, that one rubbed off too. After we broke up, I gradually lost weight. One time, I was so skinny, it worried my parents and friends.
But really, it wasn’t so much about being skinny to meet a stereotype as it was being comfortable in my own skin and being happy with myself. Having been on both sides, I have discovered that I like myself better, slim. Note that I did not say ‘love’ but ‘like’. I love myself, anyway. So, it probably took all his snide remarks to make me see that I preferred being slim, or am I just off my rockers?
Well, that would be all on that for now. If I remember something else I’m grateful to my EX for, I‘d let you know J. Catchya……….

Friday 16 November 2012

Ring or No Ring?

Recently, some celebrities have taken to proposing in front of the camera. Well, the proposals seemed romantic. But really, is the way he proposes important? I hear that between some couples, there was no proposal. The parties just knew they were headed for the altar.
Some men propose with a ring, others do not. This brings another question to mind. Does it matter that he does not propose with a ring? Also, why do women wear engagement rings with their wedding bands when there was no engagement and sometimes no proposal? I just can not understand it? Why buy an engagement ring to wear for the first time on your wedding day?

Back to proposals, do you have like a dream proposal? The way you want to be proposed to. If you do, what is it? Is it like the picture above depicts? I used to want that, cos almost all the movies I saw had that scene. Then, it was the same in the romance novels too. However, as romantic as I am, I think I can do without the kneeling down. If the guy and I are already in a relationship and we already know where it's headed, I see no need for a dramatic proposal. Of course, you might see it as a sign of commitment. But lets face it, do you know how many broken engagements there are out there?

He could give you a ring and still change his mind. Hello? Or you could decide you are no longer compatible. Either way, it's a broken engagement. So, how can an intending couple ensure that they stay true to their commitment to each other? What is the assurance that an engaged couple would get married? *blank stare*

If you ask me, I'd say, let him keep the engagement ring, I prefer a wedding band. Because only when I wear it would there truly be an unbreakable commitment. Yeah, I said it. Unbreakable. Because, marriage for me is forever!

Beautiful Brides and Bridezillas

Hey guys, hope you missed me cos I missed you guys like crazy!  Wanted to post since but I just did not have time. I just had one of the most stressful and amazing weeks of my life! Phew! My friend's wedding finally happened. She's officially a Mrs. I am almost as thrilled as she is. I just love weddings. They are usually beautiful but my friend's own was awesome. Seriously! I saw a side to my friend that I knew existed but just had not seen. She really came out. She unleashed. She surprised almost everyone, but not me. I always knew she had it in her.
About a month or so before the wedding, I said to her "you better go and learn all the dance steps o" . I told her if she didn't, I would steal her show cos I was already learning my moves. And my girl did not disappoint me. She danced! As in! I could not keep up with her at all. See my friend doing azonto now.
Then time for photographs, come and see posing. She was even suggesting poses to the photographer, " we have not done 'looking into our eyes', let's do 'looking into our eyes'." That's what she said as she and her hubby proceeded to take a photograph looking into each other's eyes.
Then there was the Bridezilla thing. Of all the weddings I've been part of, she is the first Bridezilla I've seen. She was snapping at almost everybody and everything. Phew! As the bride's maid, I hear wheen! At a time, I was even scared of going close to her as we all got ready at her family house. Everybody around knew my name. Strangers were calling my name because of her. As I post this sef, small fear still dey my body :). I decided to give her some space. Let her go for honeymoon and come back first. By that time, maybe the bridezilla that took over my friend's body would have let it go. I definitely hope that person snapping at me and ordering me around is not here to stay.
Did I mention that she was also the most excited bride I have ever seen? And the most beautiful too. I'm not being biased o. She was breathtaking. Don't worry, if I'm able to psych her, you would see a few pictures here.
On the whole, the weekend of her traditional and church wedding was very exciting. Plus I got to see old classmates and schoolmates. And one of my Exes too, hmm and I did not even feel bad or angry at him. Wow! It was such a nice feeling, to finally let go of the hurt. Sweet release, it was. Thank God.
Alright, one wedding gone, few more to go. Who knows? I may be next :D

PS: After what I saw as Chief bride's maid at this wedding, Hope, you have plenty bribing to do o. Lol. Just kidding. You know I'd do anything for my girls :*

Thursday 15 November 2012

The Reason I'm Scarlet

 People have been asking why my name is Scarlet. So, here goes.

For those who want to know where SCARLET XIANNE came from,they are actually adopted names.Scarlet's the english version of the hebrew name Tola,which actually means scarlet worm.In those days there used to be a worm from which scarlet dye was gotten.The worm produced the scarlet dye when it gave birth.Whenever it wanted to give birth it would attach itself so strongly to a tree that it couldn't detach later.So it dies immediately after giving birth.The new born then uses it body as a home until it is strong enough to stand on it's own.Do you guys understand? The scarlet worm practically gives up its life so that the baby worms can be born! Such sacrifice! Doesn't it remind you of what Jesus did?
Actually in the book of Psalm Jesus referred to himself as this particular worm.Check Psalms 22:6.
 I'd always loved the colour scarlet and when i came across this truth it just blew my mind,hence my adoption of the name.
As for Xianne,it's a variation of the name Zion,which i also love! There!You have the story.

Thanks to those who have viewed this blog but please leave a comment next time cos i'd love to hear from you.

One Thousand! Yay!

Yay! I'm so excited. Good morning y'all first. Well, the reason I'm excited is because between yesterday and today, the flow of traffic on this blog has been more than usual. This probably has a lot to do with the link I shared on Bella Naija. Well, I am grateful to God and everyone who stopped by, and is still stopping by. I woke up this morning to see that my blog had hit it's first 1000 views, because of you guys! Now, I just have to figure out how to keep you guys coming :). Any advice, please? I'd also love for my blog visitors to drop comments.

Thanks again, y'all. God bless.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Simbi is back!

Hello people. How has your day been? Mine's been fine. So, I came across this post on Bella Naija where Yvonne “Vixen” Ekwere of Silverbird’s E-Weekly threaded her hair for a photo shoot and got quite a number of compliments. Everyone thought it was nice and wished that ladies would bring it back. Well, I have! 
My friends think I'm crazy for doing it but, I recently started to thread my hair and I love it. I no longer care for weaves. This may because I'm transitioning. This past weekend, I had to wear weaves for a friend's wedding and seriously, I can't wait to lose it. 
So, I've decided to treat you guys to pictures of me with my threaded hair. Enjoy :).

At the birthday party of the lady on the left
At work

I just made the hair here